The Girl Scout Mission

Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.

At Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma, we are part of a stellar Girl Scout staff. Why do we do what we do? Read on ... these moments fuel the mission for all of us.

Friday, October 17, 2008


Today I heard a story that makes me proud to know our Girl Scout staff. While talking about work-related things, a coworker related a story about a girl who came to her crying after a ceremony. The young girl's role was the opening portion and she had lost her place. She paused for a moment, found her place and continued. But she felt terrible. She was sure she had ruined the ceremony and tears were streaming down her face.

At a point where so many adults could mildly brush off something they viewed as unimportant, or worse reinforce the girl's perception, this person took the time to empower the young girl. "Sure, there was that one part where you lost your place ... but you found it again and did it so smooth, no one else even noticed! You did GREAT! I've never seen someone do that so smoothly. I'd ask you to do it again in a heartbeat." The little girl's tears were quickly gone as she realized she really had done a good job! A smile came and before long she was beaming and proud.

I would venture to guess that this moment is one that lives on in this girl's mind and impacts her to this day. And now that I have a glimpse into that moment, it impacts me as well.

Empowerment. It's priceless. And it's an opportunity that is present every day. Girl Scouts thrive on opportunities like these. It's why so many of us do what we do! I'm proud to know these Girl Scouts, and proud to be one, too.

Photo: "Take Our Daughters To The Polls"
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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Zandra and the United Way Video

Engaging, gregarious and full of life, Zandra charms everyone she speaks to during a video shoot for Tulsa Area United Way.

She spoke about what being a Girl Scout means to her. Born with a rare medical condition, Zandra has to overcome many challenges that the rest of the world never thinks about. She was born without ribs. While you would think that would keep most people from enjoying life, Zandra has not let it slow her down one bit. In fact, she is one of our top cookie sellers! Zandra admits it is her favorite time of the year, and she thoroughly enjoys selling cookies.

But above and beyond the thrill of the sale, she talks about how Girl Scouts is her chance to be around other girls and do all the exciting things Girl Scouts do. Her troop meets weekly (led by her physical therapist) and the three nurses that provide constant care also provide "taxi service" and make sure Zandra is part of everything the troop does.

Zandra's story is heartwarming and challenging, which warms my heart in and of itself. But something surprising melted my heart while we stood in Woodward Park waiting for the shoot to begin.

She looked up at me, eyes sparkling, "How is your summer going?" She asked and she really wanted to know. Her pure curiosity broke through the world of busy schedules, no-time-for-others lifestyles, and other adult and work pressures. I stopped and realized that I couldn't recall anyone asking me that question, (and I don't know that I had asked anyone else, either). "Why thank you for asking," I said, "I don't know that anyone has asked me yet!" I can't remember what I mumbled initially, but I tried to tell her what I still feel at this moment ... "My summer is definitely brighter after meeting you!"
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Saturday, May 3, 2008

Stunned and Stunning

The Gold Award isn't just a "simple project." The list of qualifications just to begin a project is impressive! A minimum number of hours is required when working on these projects, and it's probably more than most adults would ever realize. Not to mention that these aren't girls with extra time on their hands! They are high achievers.

I loved one moment I overheard while a Tulsa World reporter was interviewing one of our girls ... He asked what her grade point average was. "4.2," she replied. There was a moment of stunned silence. "On what scale?" When he found out she held a 4.2 on a scale of 4.0 (evidently advanced courses can earn a little extra!), he was truly stunned.

And I loved it. Of course, I believe our girls are simply stunning as it is! But it sure is wonderful to witness a moment where someone else is truly surprised and impressed.
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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I'm a Girl Scout!

"My name is Hayley and I love being a Girl Scout. July, 2007, I went to Tallchief camp and had a fantastic time. When I got home, I realized there was a girl out there who wanted to go to camp but could not afford to go to camp.

"For the rest of the year I felt bad for that girl and others who could not afford to join Girl Scouts or go to camp. As it got closer to my birthday, my friends asked what I wanted for my birthday. It was very hard to answer because I have so much and my family is so blessed. I remembered that girl that could not afford to go to camp, so I asked my friends and family to give money to Girl Scouts instead of presents to me. It feels good to help that girl who could not afford to go to camp. I learned the best present is the feeling of giving.

"Why did I do it? Because I’m a Girl Scout."
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