The Girl Scout Mission

Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.

At Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma, we are part of a stellar Girl Scout staff. Why do we do what we do? Read on ... these moments fuel the mission for all of us.

Friday, October 17, 2008


Today I heard a story that makes me proud to know our Girl Scout staff. While talking about work-related things, a coworker related a story about a girl who came to her crying after a ceremony. The young girl's role was the opening portion and she had lost her place. She paused for a moment, found her place and continued. But she felt terrible. She was sure she had ruined the ceremony and tears were streaming down her face.

At a point where so many adults could mildly brush off something they viewed as unimportant, or worse reinforce the girl's perception, this person took the time to empower the young girl. "Sure, there was that one part where you lost your place ... but you found it again and did it so smooth, no one else even noticed! You did GREAT! I've never seen someone do that so smoothly. I'd ask you to do it again in a heartbeat." The little girl's tears were quickly gone as she realized she really had done a good job! A smile came and before long she was beaming and proud.

I would venture to guess that this moment is one that lives on in this girl's mind and impacts her to this day. And now that I have a glimpse into that moment, it impacts me as well.

Empowerment. It's priceless. And it's an opportunity that is present every day. Girl Scouts thrive on opportunities like these. It's why so many of us do what we do! I'm proud to know these Girl Scouts, and proud to be one, too.

Photo: "Take Our Daughters To The Polls"
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